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Business management encompasses a variety of characteristics and skills. Effective managers understand their strengths as leaders, as well as their deficiencies. Growth minded managers overcome the many obstacles they meet through trial and error. Preparation and education can often help prevent many of these from becoming bigger issues. The issues discussed in the above blog posts are only a small handful of the many issues that we are inundated with as managers and leaders. And as technology increases even more issues will arise. There is no way to know them all. However, we can do what we can to learn about the business environment and how we can manage in certain settings and situations, so we will be better prepared and more able minded to overcome whatever lies ahead.  Image Found at Unsplash @stilclassics References Gulati, R., Mayo, A. J., & Nohria, N. (2016). Management: An integrated approach. Australia: Cengage Learning stilclassics. (2017, October 12). books and cal...

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